Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Too much Steak'n Shake is catching up!

I have a closet of shirts and pants that I have worn sparingly the past ten months. The clothes were loose on me last I wore them, but they were a bit snug this morning as I got myself presentable.

Have I gained weight? Not really since my weight has been about the same since I got my thyroid situated, but even then I carried the weight well. I wore the same pants even when I gained forty pounds within a six month period. Of course I had lost about thirty pounds from having a funky work schedule that meant I napped  a few hours a couple times a day and never ate a real meal, which meant I really only gained a net ten pounds. Once the thyroid was regulated, I dropped 30 for a net loss of 20. I was very active running up ladders and unloading trailers, so once  I got a desk job, I settled on my natural weight between the two extremes. I weigh that now 8 years later.

I am craving Steak'n Shake, and Steak'n Shake always leaves me feeling full. I like feeling full.

There was a time when I didn't eat much and lived on coffee, water, rice and oatmeal. My apartment in grad school wasn't even a studio, so my only sink was in the bathroom. I had a coffee maker, mini fridge, a microwave, and a toaster oven to utilize food. So if I ate out, I went with Dingo to Ponderosa to get full and enjoy American Spirits and listen to his exploits.

We eat weekly at SNS for about a year now because a family of four can eat ridiculously cheap on weekends. I guess that I should start running or something, but I've been saying that for years and have the unworn shoes that mock me. My feet aren't changing size, so I will wear them one day.

Hopefully I get out of my jobless funk and get a structured schedule again, as long as it doesn't take away from my weekly SNS.

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