Thursday, January 3, 2013

What were they thinking?

So I'm reading Henry Fielding's Tom Jones and I have the mixed feelings of pursuing it to the end. IT'S SO FREAKING LONG AND MEANDERING, but yet it's fun and challenging to read at the same time.

If I hadn't known it was written by a lawyer before re-delving into it, I certainly would have concluded as much by the second page. I believe I learned of the term "ROYAL WE" when I had the class that covered this piece of literature. I can still picture the Prof. in his pompous attire as he UM and HUMF to himself as he lectured that he didn't want us to parrot his thoughts when we wrote our exam essays. Seriously, he dressed like a pilgrim with his buckled shoe/boots, but yet wore a fur hat that would make V.I. Lenin feel patriotic pride.

Anyways, I find myself wondering WHY WOULD ANYONE BE POSSESSED TO WRITE A BOOK SUCH AS TOM JONES? Sorry, I'm just a dumb boy living in the 21st century that has been spoiled by the brevity of Twitter.

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