Monday, May 7, 2012


The two constants in life are supposedly Death and Taxes.
People are willing to spend a lot of money to stay alive as long as possible, for they can't take their money with them. It's the insurance and pharmaceutical companies' fault that the medical bills are to high.
People pay people to find loopholes to avoid paying taxes. It's the fault of the rich that they don't pay more.
It is human nature to not want to over pay for goods, services, and taxes.

Unfortunately more times than not, a certain adages like, "You get what you pay for" and "there's no such thing as a free lunch," hold true.

I don't understand what people expect when they want free healthcare and free education.

Do they expect teachers, doctors, and nurses to be their slaves and to work for nothing? No, but they want someone else to pay without having skin in the game.

I'm still annoyed that MCA died. I never bought a Beasties album, but I didn't hate hearing them when my brother played them. I didn't care for a lot of my brother's collection, while some of it I liked a lot.

Cancer sucks. There was a time it was a seemingly instant death sentence, but modern science has come a long way in terms of giving hope. Curing cancer for good is still a long ways away. Drug companies have to do research and development to invent new means of treating diseases. R&D makes it take years to get a new medication on the market. Manufacturing the end product is relatively cheap, but the costs of the R&D need to be recouped for the company to break even. Only a short window of opportunity exists for BIG PHARMA to reap profits and Joe and Jane America are the lucky ones to patriotically pay the tab(Lott, 2007).

Yes, I finally finished Freedomnomics, and I would like to wish its author, John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D., a happy birthday. His book gave a good counter-balance to Freakonomics which works well with my philosophy of conflict indifference. I see that he has a newer book out that I feel needs a cursory perusal.

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