Saturday, August 3, 2013


The other week or so, I found myself trying to recite the 23rd Psalm. It was written on a memorial service card for somebody I knew, so I always think of it around the time she died. It's one of the things that I learned long before I ever learned the alphabet. I always found something about it ambivalent. Having it memorized, I never bothered to read it beyond the first few words, "The Lord is my shepherd."

Anyways, I found myself puzzling over the meaning, "I shall not want." I wondered if it was a comma or a period separating the latter from the beginning. My King James has a semicolon, so I guess all copies of  King James has it with a semicolon.

The difference between a comma and period is significant. Semicolon is essentially a period closing the thought, while the semicolon builds upon the closed thought. Commas combine thoughts as being equal bearing. So rather than meaning, "I don't want the Lord as my shepherd," it means, "I shall want nothing for it will already be provided."

So now I have this feeling of Obi Wan saying, "let go... use the force." Having trust in Divine Intervention seems foolish, but it makes one rationalize realities and accept them easier than constantly second guessing and stressing about things which are ultimately beyond anyone's control.

I have no control over the outcome of a baseball game, so I need not lose sleep about such trivialities. .

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