Sunday, January 1, 2017

a year of systems and hope

Disclaimer: I started a new blog. I will probably comment regularly about Dilbert creator Scott Adams. He's rich and such, so he must be doing something right with his life where I am deficient.
Aside from the new blog, 2017 is starting much like 2016... buying shoes!

2016 wasn't very worthwhile with regards to blogging really. Stats were fine, but to no monetary purpose. Probably because the stats are bloated due to Russian interference. My SEO prowess is flawed for I don't get real page views or people clicking on ads that would generate revenue. I think I have been sitting on $10.71 over a year though I have 2,375K hits now compared to the 1,655K I had a year ago today.

I had a guy in my defensive driving class offer to buy my blog domain because of my stats. Nothing much, but it was funny to think I could cut loose something as personal as my private moments of nonsense.

Over the years, I have had numerous subjects discussed and I have attempted to organize the concepts, only to get lazy or to veer into matters better left to other domains. I have a number of blogs. I will try to weave them together here and there, but henceforth return to specializing my musings to their respective place of resonance much like saying Disney World is many different parks, everything is Dyland, but I will try to refine everything.

Happiness not from Concentrate(HNFC) has the most overlap, while Response to Scott(RTS) will be limited to Scott Adams. Meh was meant to be distilled commentary about events, but veered into HNFC elements. I have several other pages that I have abandoned that I have to revisit to understand why they exist. I need to make a directory to sort out the mess I have left.

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